
Sep 12, 2022

During this time of “social distancing” many have experienced starting in March 2020 (necessary due to Covid-19 virus), I have been thinking a great deal about social connection. We missed…

Aug 10, 2022

What’s happening here at Green Cottage Studios this summer? Great question, I would love to tell you. (HT to …

May 23, 2022


As the 100 Day project comes to a close, I wanted to reflect upon what I learned from the process.

Apr 4, 2022

The Hunterdon Art Tour is set for April 30/May 1, 2022! Great news!

The last weekend of April, there will be a self-guided art tour, called “The Hunterdon Art Tour” and 90 area artists in…

Mar 20, 2022

Coming Back! What is the most powerful force on Earth? Water!

Hurricane Ida caused much damage in New Jersey (and around the country) in September 2021.

Mar 14, 2022

The 2022 Hundred Day Project started last month, on February 13.

I have done thirty artworks since then! I am using a word list, and then randomly selecting a word, and that serves as…