In this little corner of Lambertville, there are some new developments going on. The mini-park or “parklet” beside the studio, once a field of mud created by the flooding in September 2021, is now all green with grass. And the city planted some native trees!! I believe the mayor shared that some native plants will be added too!
Who said the quote – “The true meaning of life is to plant trees, under whose shade you do not expect to sit.”
The other neighborhood excitement is the opening of a new coffee/tea shop – called Luminary Coffee. It’s in the place on North Union where Rojo Coffee used to be. So great to see the neighborhood coming back. The shop is modern and open and airy. A few people were already chatting there and enjoying the space.

What am I focusing on these days? I have been making fun little things and paper tags for the Holiday Market in Novemeber at HomeFront. So great to be invited and to support the homeless and working poor families of Mercer County. Learn more about their art programing and fundraisers on their new website: https://www.homefront-artspace.com/ The dates are Friday Nov 11 through Sunday Nov 13. Come out and get some handmade gifts.

This fall, as I work on projects – I am also doing some works for very special people in my life – I have been thinking about Meraki – how your passion and love transfers into one’s creative work. It’s why the works made by the human hand are so so special. Perfectly imperfect, as some say!